Vision Statement
To be a centre for basic, applied, and translational research in biomedical and clinical sciencesMission Statement
- Our mission is built on a strong institutional, national, regional, and international model that can harness optimal scientific and technological opportunities to achieve the following landmarks:
- Produce the best research output with outstanding quality and make it universally available for positive health prosperity.
- Provide a dynamic research environment to promote interdisciplinary and innovative research in biomedical and clinical to impact global health.
- Collaborate with industries and research institutes across the globe to build and strengthen the strategic operational capabilities for maintaining demand driven research
To develop career scientists who will promote biomedical, clinical and translational research through transdisciplinary collaborative projects for innovative healthcare solutionsMorbi msan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tinunt auctor a ornareio. Sed non mauris vitae, Morbi msan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tinunt auctor a ornareio. Sed non mauris vitae.
- Providing all materials, labor equipment.
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